Having trouble getting your partner to commit to you? If you are ready to settle down with that special someone the best way is to get engaged, get married, and start a family, sometimes not necessarily in that order. Be sure to show your loved one how much you love them every day, sometimes just taking the time to say, and mean, those words is all the assurance they would need.
Always be prepared to calmly settle any arguments instead of flying off the handle. Doing so can show your partner how reasonable you are. Don’t pretend to be someone that your not however, this could be a deal breaker. Relationships take two genuine people, hard work, trust, and maybe most importantly communication. If you can find someone with those traits the battle is half won. All you need to ensure now is that you have fun together. If you want to spend the rest of your life with someone you need to make sure that you have a good time with them, you make each other, laugh, and can console each other when there are tears.
After a few months, or years with your lover the time will come when you start to wonder if this is the one. If the answer is yes, your next plan of action may be to ask them to marry you. There are some great ways to figure out if the other person wants this as well. If you already live together and have done so for a while, chances are great that this person wants to be with you. Another great sign is co-ownership of items, or pets. If you and your partner fit the above description you are probably on the right path to engagement. Now here is possibly the most difficult part of your quest…actually becoming engaged. This could be done romantically, spontaneously, or even in a wholesome manor, it is all up to the two lovers in particular.
It may be the best bet to do this in a more personable environment, alone by candlelight, right after a romantic dinner, or even on a walk on the beach or in a park. For the more attention seeking types a huge blowout may be just the right way to begin this commitment. Try a renting a public venue, and invite those closest to you, that way when the question finally gets popped most of your friends and loved ones will be there, much like the wedding day itself. There are many many wonderfully creative ways to get engaged to the one you love most. Most of the time the moment will simply just feel right no matter how many times you go over the plan of execution in your head. So good luck and happy wedding!